Diploma In Real Estate Management / Facilities Management

The Diplomas in Real Estate Management and Facilities Management provide up-skilling and higher level multi-disciplinary skills training to take on extended job scope and responsibilities.

SGD 3,360.00

Course Description

The Diplomas in Real Estate Management and Facilities Management provide up-skilling and higher level multi-disciplinary skills training to take on extended job scope and responsibilities. The courses have been designed to meet the following objectives:

  • Serve as progression courses for holders of the RECA Certificate in Real Estate Management & Maintenance or equivalent
  • Provide formalised certifiable training to upskill and enhance employability
  • Provide multi-disciplinary skills training for job enlargement and enrichment.

Both Diplomas comprise of four modules, three of which are common:

Common Modules
M1: Commercial and Residential RE Development

  • RE Development Process
  • Development Appraisal & Project Financing
  • Project Financing & Construction Procurement
  • Project Completion & Development Risk Management
M2: Project Management

  • Project Life Cycle and Organisational Structures
  • Project Design, Finance and Procurement
  • Construction Progress & Contract Administration
  • Maintenance & Aftercare
M3: Commercial & Residential Real Estate Management

  • Overview of RE Management & Maintenance
  • Management and Maintenance of RE in Singapore
    • Office, Retail and Industrial Facilities
    • Public Housing (Town Councils)
    • Private Housing (Strata Management)


Diploma in Real Estate Management
M4A: RE Valuation & Investment Appraisal

  • Introduction to Property Valuation
  • Principles of Investment Analysis
  • Investment Risk and Returns


Diploma in Facilities Management
M4B: Building Technology & Services (Advanced)

  • Structural Systems
  • Building Envelope Systems
  • Building Automation Systems
  • Degradation & Performance
  • Building Defects & Causes
  • Schedule of Dilapidations

Please click here for a list of course lecturers.

  1. Applicants are expected to have ‘O’/’N’ Levels (Credits in English and Mathematics) or ESS Workplace Literacy & Numeracy (WPLN) Level 5/6 AND have completed the following qualification:
    • RECA Certificate in Real Estate Management & Maintenance
  2. Applicants not meeting the above qualifications may be required to take bridging courses
  3. Applicants with approved higher-level qualifications working in the industry or associated industries may be exempted in related modules on a case-by-case basis.
Module Duration 28 hours Course Duration 112 hours
Module Fee $840 Course Fee $3,360

Please call 65634176 or e-mail: enquiry@reca.edu.sg for course schedules, funding support registration and other information.

Real State & Construction Academy.

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